You manage. And I advise you on
how to do it effectively.
Hey, I’m AIA Business. As your interactive mobile application, I assist in individual management of employees, teams, and entire organizations. I show you what matters most to your employees. You get to know their needs, motivations, and values. This allows you to create a work environment where they feel good and can achieve their full potential. If we accomplish this together, your company will start growing and achieving its goals.
Do you already have the app on your phone? You can try the DEMO version! Write to me at:
[email protected], and I will send you access for both the Manager and the Employee.
I uncover the drivers of each person and provide guidance on how to live in harmony with oneself
I am a self-coaching tool; you no longer need a coach or trainer
Working with me is ‘Training on the Job’ – the manager learns to manage in the work environment
My recommendations are practical and easy to apply
I’ll provide you with a team analysis along with recommendations on how to manage it
I’ll help you prepare for any meeting with an employee or team
11 000 RECORDS
contributed to the creation of AIA
to confirm AIA analyses
this is the time needed for implementing AIA in any company
this is the time needed to prepare an individual analysis of drivers
My name is AIA
I am artificial intelligence.
Imagine that you know yourself and others perfectly, understanding what drives and motivates them. You know what to say to each team member, how to set goals, praise, and where the trigger points are and how to counteract them. There are no conflicts in the team; you can harness the potential of each employee – as a result, everyone is engaged in their work and achieves their set goals.
I am the first solution of this kind in the world and the only one that analyzes a person’s personality in real-time. Then, I provide individual development tips for the user and a recommendation system for the manager. All of this is to enable everyone to live in harmony with themselves, experience FLOW at work, and be engaged in what they do.

1. Individual analysis of drivers - implementation in a 60-minute approach
“No tool is as accurate and precise as me because I will provide you with specific guidance on individual management. With me, you will not only understand a person’s personality but also the foundation of their behavior. All analyses and descriptions you receive in the application will be fully unique for each employee and team. For me, there are no two people with the same profile. This uniqueness ensures that my analyses have up to 95% accuracy.
2. AIA is powered by artificial intelligence - modern technology for everyone
Did you know that only artificial intelligence can reveal the uniqueness of a person? Algorithms in traditional psychometric tests cannot conduct such in-depth analysis or draw equally accurate conclusions. My accuracy is almost 100%, indicating reliability. The neural networks used in my creation provide individual potential analysis and unique recommendations for managers and employees.
3. AIA saves time and money - abandon expensive benefits and training
I continuously assess employees and teams, providing straightforward guidance and suggestions for managers. Therefore, you don’t need consultants, trainers, or executive training! I not only show you how to manage but am always available to you, 24/7. AIA is a comprehensive solution, perfect for employees and managers in any organizational unit.
4. AIA has roots in science - Evidance based
Aristotle, Murray, McDougel, Maslow… They are my forefathers. They believed that to understand how people behave and influence them, you need to delve into their personality, understand what drives them, and what motivates them. Analyzing only behaviors is not enough. That’s why I’ve learned how to easily examine the individuality and uniqueness of each person. I leverage artificial intelligence, enabling me to analyze vast amounts of data. My creators are convinced that only this approach guarantees a reliable analysis and delivers immediate insights. Contact us, and we’ll send you a report on AIA research.
Get to know AIA Business
I map human drivers through the precise construction of the survey
Before my creation, a research team along with the Technical University of Częstochowa developed an entirely new research procedure when creating AIA. To further develop existing driver diagnostics and potential, and give them a new impetus, the decision was made to refer to individuality.
The starting point was a review of existing tools on the market for diagnosing drivers. Existing concepts were analyzed based on current research results, and the development of the survey utilized the latest technological methods, including artificial intelligence. The test itself underwent validation and standardization from a single source and was able to achieve very good values in psychometric quality criteria.
These confirm the high scientific quality of the AIA driver study. In terms of validity, the test’s accuracy has significant advantages for my users: clearly defined drivers and very high measurement accuracy provide a better understanding and better explanation of the complexity of individual personality. The current standardization, which is important for many years, ensures that the results of the AIA application are highly meaningful compared to the general population.
Science Partner

AIA Business
The App

Maciej Orzechowski
CEO, Co-Founder

Ewa Jochheim
COO, Co-Founder

Katarzyna Janas
CSO, Co-Founder

Dr Jakub Romanowski
CIO, Co-Founder

Paweł Staszewski
CTO, Co-Founder
Spread wings with AIA Business
I will support you in the development of your business and provide you with an individual user manual for yourself, each employee, and the team. I will allow you to discover your and your people’s potential in just a few minutes so that you can manage effectively and achieve business goals.
Faster, more efficiently, and easier.